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A lot can change when you fly just 3 hours southeast from Amsterdam. In Kosovo time appears to have stopped when you look at the national railway company Trainkos. Operation and maintenance of a railway company goes very different compaired to the situation at home.
The Dutch Embassy in Kosovo asked IES to manage a large training program for the train operators, maintenance staff and operational & safety personnel of Trainkos. Therefore Diederik van Leeuwen is now project manager of the training program to develop Trainkos into a railway company that is compliant with European legislation and regulation for the purpose of Kosovo joining the European Union.
IES works together with Railmaterieel Consult and Arriva on this project funded by the Rijksdient voor Ondernemend Nederland a department of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
More information can be found in Dutch version of this article IES TRAINT PERSONEEL TRAINKOS IN KOSOVO or contact Diederik van Leeuwen.
Technical Director