Joulz ISO 55001 certified


Joulz has been providing measurement services and energy infrastructures for business customers for many years. The name ‘Joulz’ is derived from Joule, the unit of energy. The same energy that is present in the workplace. Consider this. In 2019 Joulz was acquired by a British owned company from Stedin. During this already turbulent period, Joulz wanted its two main divisions, Infra services and the Measuring company, to apply for ISO 55001 certification, the international standard for Asset Management. That’s like going through final exams whilst moving houses at the same time. IES Asset Management, the Asset Management specialist, was hired to facilitate implementation.

The timing proved to be great. Change offers opportunities. Some processes for instance had not yet been arranged after departing from Stedin. That offered IES the chance to start those matters from scratch. ‘It turned out to be ideal for us’, says Marleen Stumpel.
Marleen, posted on this assignment as a specialist from IES, supported Joulz in the implementation of Asset Management. After a relatively short period of planning, writing and setting up processes, she has prepared Joulz for the audit days.
Since July 2020, Joulz can call itself one of the first ISO 55001 certified companies in the Netherlands within the energy infrastructure industry. In addition to more control over the business, which translates into cost savings, this puts Joulz more firmly in the market.


Here are some of the results:

  • Joulz is ISO 55001 certified
  • The corporate plans and goals have been translated into two business units, Infrastructure and Measurement Company (line of sight).
  • IES and Joulz have drawn up the strategic asset management plan (SAMP), including underlying asset management plans
  • Work processes have been set up and effectuated.
  • With the help of IES, Joulz has developed a methodology in which risks are assessed and weighted and unacceptable risks are recorded in a risk register with the corresponding mitigation measures.
  • Together with Joulz, IES has established a training policy, so that even for the staff who do not carry out operational work activities, the level of training/knowledge required or required per function or job group is established, such as basic knowledge of Asset Management.



Initially, IES performed a gap analysis to map what is needed for ISO 55001 certification. Then a number of IES people went to work on Joulz’s shop floor. Important questions were, for example: What is the status on Joulz’s Risk Management policy? Who is responsible for compliance with laws and regulations? Do the employees have the right papers? Are the maintenance costs in balance? How is maintenance planning spread out over time?

What stands out is the speed of implementation. In just over half a year, IES has actively implemented Asset Management within Joulz. A compliment especially to the client. Marleen: ‘Joulz has worked very hard to get implementation done. This made it easier for us to do what we as an Asset Management specialist are good at: asking sharp questions.’

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